Technical Visit 1: Kömürcüoda Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant (MBR + NF)

Kömürcüoda landfill site was established in 1995. Approximately 6,000 tons of solid waste is stored in the Kömürcüoda disposal facility. Treatment plants consisting of primary settling, membrane bioreactor (nitrification denitrification-UF membranes), nanofiltration unit and sludge dewatering units have been installed for the treatment of leachate wastewater. The capacity of Kömürcüoda Leachate Treatment Plant is 1,700 m³/day and it is discharged to the receiving environment in accordance with the regulations.

Technical Visit 2: Ağva Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (MBR)

Ağva Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant has been constructed to treat wastewater from a population of 16,000 people with a maximum capacity of 8,000 m³/day between 2010-2018 in Istanbul. It features a Turkish-patented MBR system, which is Turkey's first national MBR module application.